What is a Process Addiction?

What is a Process Addiction?

Process addiction, also known as behavioral addiction, is defined by a strong desire to participate in a certain action despite the negative consequences. The individual has an enhanced mood while engaging in the action. Once the behavior is over, it is generally followed by a feeling of shame or guilt.

What You Should Know About the Designer Drug: N-Bomb

The synthetic hallucinogen 25l-NBOMe was discovered in 2003 and was originally produced to map the brain’s type 2A serotonin receptors in biochemistry research.

What are Character Defects of Addiction?

The human race is a melting pot full of people that are successful, charming, beautiful, or even addicted, who all possess faults.

Will Drug and Alcohol Addiction Affect Your Spirituality?

You may have heard people say being under the influence of drugs or alcohol may indeed make them a better driver or even a funnier or nicer person.

The Impact that Eating Disorders Had on the 2018 Olympics

Figure skating is a sport that is not only judged on athleticism, but with the entire presentation of the figure skater. Pressure with body image is felt with both female and male competitors because they are judged on their entire package.

Am I Exercising for Health or Addiction?

Physical activity has been medically proven to be part of a healthy lifestyle regimen. People might try out different types of exercise when trying to find a physical activity that they like because they may be uncertain with what they like to do.

Frances Bean Cobain Speaks Out About Her Addiction

When Kurt Cobain took his life 24 years ago on April 5th there was grief and loss for more than just his fans. His daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, was almost 2 years of age when her father died on that melancholy day.

What is a Recovery Coach?

People that do well in life usually have had some sort of mentor or teacher that has encouraged them or prepared them for success.

Reasons to Wait to Have a Relationship in Sobriety

Sobriety at times can seem lonely even though you are often surrounded by your recovery peeps. The recommendation in recovery is to not make any big changes in your first year of sobriety that can disrupt your chances at staying sober, including getting into a new relationship.

Are you a Double Winner?

Someone with an addiction will at some point will have somebody in their life that enables their behavior. Many times, the sole purpose of enabling addictive behavior is to try and keep someone from harming themselves or others.

What You Should Know About Ritalin Abuse

A user of Ritalin may have started using the prescription medicine as a child when they were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or might have maintained an distinctively high level of activity.

What Does Being Terminally Unique Reveal About You?

Having an addiction or a mental illness can make it appear that you are dissimilar to others by making you feel dejected from the people around you.

Solstice Pacific, your trauma informed healthcare provider.
