What is a Recovery Coach?

Following the lead of someone that can exhibit how to be prosperous in their endeavors is a wise choice. People use coaching for careers, relationships, life, business, skills, and of course, sports. One type of coach that has started evolving in the last few years is a recovery coach.

Typically, people in recovery come out on top when they accept assistance on how they should stay sober. A sponsor, a therapist, or a pastor are some of the people that are primarily used for guidance in recovery. Sometimes a person may feel like they need some extra security to sustain their sobriety. By hiring a recovery coach for sobriety, the coach can give their client a customized plan that goes beyond working the 12 Steps. A recovery coach is much like a glorified “babysitter” that lays out a specific model for the day to day sober lifestyle.

Recovery coaches have started to be sought after with people that are willing to pay the fees that go along with the service. Most recovery coaches can cost $200 an hour or up to $1000 a day. Celebrities have been known to hire recovery coaches to accompany them with simple tasks like the grocery store or escorting them around professionally in places such as their production set to keep them on the right track.

Therapists and sponsors are known to go back into the past to resolve any trauma, resentments, or fears that might have made someone suppress their feelings towards these situations. A recovery coach has a definitive technique to not go backwards, but to navigate towards the future and the here and now. To create a sober life, the coach will ask the person that wants to stay sober to set realistic, short-term goals that are focused on what should be accomplished in thirty or sixty day increments and try to help them stick to it.

Certain aspects in life can cause someone who battles substance abuse undue stress that can be associated with finances, personal relationships, job prospects, and identifying the barriers that keep them from being the person that they want to be. A recovery coach will wear many hats to instruct their clients on how to live life and learn coping skills that can make the difference in making them head towards a relapse or keeping them sober for the win.


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