Treatment Resistant Depression

Do you feel like you've tried everything under the sun for your depression? Are you still under a dark cloud? Are you worried that your loved one is at risk for suicide or hospitalization?
Many suffering from depression have tried dozens of treatments and still feel as if their brain is under a fog. Especially those needing geriatric psychiatry and care for geriatric depression. As a result, sleep is disturbed, motivation is lost, and hope for relief falls by the wayside. We meet with patients who feel lost in a system of noise, side effects and commotion to do what insurance says who have found no relief. When one has failed two or more antidepressant therapies, we call this Treatment Resistant Depression. Reaching this point can be discouraging and even scary for patients and their families, regardless of age. Fortunately, our research and collaboration with cutting edge psychiatrists led us to a solution for this condition. Spravato® made by Janssen, a pharmaceutical company owned by Johnson & Johnson, is changing the flood of danger and despair emergency rooms see. Solstice Pacific is not only better equipped to treat suicide ideation and treatment resistant depression because of our thorough history, physical, mental health status exam, treatment planning, and care coordination, but the compassion and flexible tailored service are the sea change. Our Treatment Resistant Depression Clinic offers you intensive care, advanced medicine and data driven outcomes. Everyday, we see patients who are surprised by how this medication alongside our comprehensive care changes their ability to problem solve through life's unexpected events, coping with depression and mental desolation.
Acute suicide ideation Spravato® observation sessions are approximately 2 hours long and occur twice per week for the first 4 weeks. Your psychiatry provider will determine tapering from there. Patients can start to feel relief after the first 2 sessions, which compounds over time. Spravato helps to reduce inflammation and bring clarity in the frontal lobe of the brain. This helps our patients feel less brain fog, improve focus, decreased hopelessness, and reduce risk of suicidal ideation. Another common reported benefit from patients is the ability to process difficult memories and even trauma with more ease. Spravato® therapy helps augment and increase effectiveness of other existing therapies, including oral medication and psychotherapy. This treatment may even help you decrease your dose of antidepressant medication.
Paired with holistic protocols, Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, group work, individual therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, the darkness of Treatment Resistant Depression comes to an end. You are the pilot in your healthcare plan. As your co-pilot, we are listening.
The first step to relief is imagining it’s possible, even if for a moment. The next step, call us at (949) 200-7929. Mental healthcare is not what it once was, poorly informed and stigmatized. Our upscale clinic offers you warmth and options the moment you arrive.