Winston Churchill once asserted, “One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger.

Most people who enter recovery from a mental illness feel dread, chaos and as though they are shattered into pieces. The last thing on their mind is that they need to help someone else in order to gain their own repair and wellness. Simply put, service entails assisting others in a collective setting.
Along with the opioid crisis for which the United States was put on a Public Health Emergency for, the number of babies that are born addicted to opiates has also risen.
You may hear frequently about the search for purpose in someone’s life. There are those types of people that just seem to know right away what they are meant to do and then there are others that struggle to fathom what their destiny is at all.
Solstice is a collaboration of licensed mental health professionals with advanced graduate degrees who have decades of clinical experience in the fields of addiction, mental health and dual diagnosis.
The sentiments of Faith, Hope, Love, and Honesty when heard may usually be pushed off as something completely religious.
Forgiveness is not an easy act to carry out for many people. Trying to let go of past transgressions is sometimes quite difficult to pull the trigger on.
Getting help in a rehabilitation facility and finally detoxing off drugs and alcohol is the best decision that you can make for your addiction.
When we get into recovery, we begin to hear many things that are intended to disturb us about our addiction.
To become addicted to drugs and alcohol is usually not what someone desires to do when they grow up.
- Ways to Have Heart in Sobriety
Around 2 million cases of people that cause nonsuicidal self-injury to themselves are reported annually. One in five females and one in seven males make up the statistics of people that begin this ritualistic act on themselves between the ages of 12-14 that can carry on well into their 20’s.