You will hopefully find some peace of mind that you can move onward with your recovery after treatment. When you are in rehab, you are safely enclosed by the walls of the facility to help you focus on and better your chances at getting and staying sober. Withdrawal management, therapy, support groups, and learning life skills are the wonderful things that you are privy to in your treatment program.
Once your 30-90 days are up, depending on the center’s duration of curriculum, you can create some valid stress by wondering what will happen once you are back in the “real world”. Most likely your therapist in treatment will help you to figure out the elements of your recovery that you will need ongoing to help you to remain successful in your sobriety.
Relapse prevention
This will usually consist of putting together a strategy of what you will need to do when triggers and cravings take place. Looking at all facets of your life will greatly improve your play-by-play book to take home with you and keep you moving onward in recovery. Sober living
You will have to look at your living situation with complete honesty. There are times that someone that comes out of rehab may need to transition into a halfway house or sober living to maintain the accountability that they were used to in rehab. If you went back to your place of residence and lived in an environment that had drugs or alcohol readily available, it may hurt your chances of being able to stay sober through that hardship. Living somewhere that gives you the sense of responsibility a little at a time, may be the very thing that can ensure the contingency of your sobriety.
Addiction support
Therapy and 12-Step programs are the best ways for people that battle addiction to maintain being clean and sober. Being honest with a therapist, getting a sponsor, going to meetings, and working the 12 Steps can make a huge difference in your recovery. Getting rid of all the excess baggage that you have accrued over the years can start to greatly diminish with a plan of action.
Recovery is a lasting process that does not end after leaving rehab. An aftercare plan is crucial for having lasting sobriety after treatment. Recovery is not a sprint, but a marathon that you will have to pace yourself one day at a time.