Why Do I Need to Have Reliance in Recovery Principles?

These are the words, however, that are used in recovery to implicate the principles that one should live by to stay sober. 12-Step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), use the 12 Steps to help people who are recovering from drugs and alcohol to learn about their addiction so that they can use their information to keep them from relapsing in the future. If relapse does happen, then the 12 Steps can be instrumental in finding a pattern as to why this has happened or keeps happening.

With each of the 12 Steps comes a recovery principle to help keep the focus that needs to be concentrated on when working the step. Although there are no requirements for AA or NA, using the spiritual principles can better enhance a person’s recovery in ways that they did not even think was possible. Honesty is used for the 1st Step of “Admitted that we were powerless – that our lives had become unmanageable.” To be able to recognize that there is a problem, honesty must be present throughout recovery to help work the 12 Steps thoroughly and onward.

  • Step 1: Honesty
  • Step 2: Hope
  • Step 3: Faith
  • Step 4: Courage
  • Step 5: Integrity
  • Step 6: Willingness
  • Step 7: Humility
  • Step 8: Brotherly Love
  • Step 9: Forgiveness
  • Step 10: Perseverance
  • Step 11: Spirituality
  • Step 12: Service

Although these principles are referred to as spiritual principles, that does not mean they have to be religious. Using the principles in any capacity is a great way to keep one’s self in check when going through a negative time in their life. Reinstating a moral compass is a must when trying to edify the new life that someone with an addiction is trying to achieve in sobriety. Addiction gives way for someone to behave corruptly even when that may not be their goal at all. The nefarious manner that someone that abuses drugs and alcohol might unwillingly behave can become their norm. The principles give someone that wants to clean up their act a new focal point to be the best they can in their new manner of living.

Living the principles in recovery can be the very thing that can show you how to become fruitful in your sobriety. Recovery can begin to take on a whole new meaning by strengthening your attributes in the essence of the principles.


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