What are the 5 Rules of Recovery for Therapy?

Once you have departed from the safety of rehab, it is imperative that you continue with the same methods that you used while you were there getting sober. Finding a therapist outside of treatment can ensure that you stay on track in sobriety. Once you find a therapist that suits you, they may convey to you the 5 rules of recovery that makes therapy more simplistic.

Rule #1 — Change is imperative

You may hear that all you need to change is everything which can be completely overwhelming. Start out with changing the things in your life that will make it easier to remain sober. By not changing the things from your addiction that can directly cause you to relapse in recovery, you are only biding time until those vexations will eventually catch up to you. If you are uncertain on what you should change, inquire with your therapist and they can help you to decide what is appropriate.

Rule #2 — Rigorous honesty is a must

Being honest is a necessity in recovery. Along with the first rule, honesty elicits change because addiction is typical of causing people to lie regularly to get by. Getting honest in recovery opens a whole new world to live differently by telling someone you trust the truth about everything, including the secrets of your past.

Rule #3 — You should not do it alone

Recovery is not meant to be spent alone like you probably felt during your addiction. Finding support from a 12-Step program or something compatible is highly recommended by therapists. Coexisting in recovery with people that are doing the same thing with you can give you a better chance to stay sober.

Rule #4 — Develop self-care practices

Taking care of yourself is more than just doing the work to stay sober. You have to sleep, eat, spend time with loved ones, and do something to help you relax easier. By taking care of these basic needs, you will enhance your chances of not relapsing. One of the most overlooked aspects of self-care is learning how to relax. Try meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature to help take a load off.

Rule #5 — Conform to your new lifestyle

Instead of fighting everything like you did during your addiction, going with the flow in recovery will improve your quality of life. Accepting that you can never control your using or drinking one day at a time will keep you moving forward in the right direction of sobriety.

People in recovery generally do not mesh with being told what to do but using these rules of recovery in your therapy can make a difference in your life. You should not view them as rules. Better yet, look at them as standards that will save your life.


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