There are many things that addiction rips to shreds that you may think is impossible to restore due to the amount of damage that was caused. Never say never. Some things may not ever be fully repaired, but if you put your efforts into recovery there are ways to make reparations for every scenario even if it is a living amends. Recovery can help to reclaim your life back for good.
Stick with the winners
We are who we surround ourselves with, so if you continue to hang around your using buddies, most likely you are going to use again. Finding people who are sober and positive will help you implement the necessary modifications that you will need to make in recovery. Sticking with the winners who are active in their recovery will in return make you a winner by staying clean and sober.
Stick up for yourself
Putting boundaries into place may not seem like any fun. Having boundaries in recovery helps you to stay on track by showing yourself some long-awaited respect. This goes for loved ones, employers, and even your addiction. Your sobriety must be a priority and one of the ways to make that happen is by adhering to your boundaries.
Stick in the principles
If you were to start living with higher standards for yourself, you bet that others will take notice. When you were in your addiction, the drugs and alcohol took away your inhibitions to make you do some less than desirable actions of regret. In recovery, you learn principles to better yourself in all scenarios to rid yourself of the shame that was brought on by your addictive behaviors. Transformation can happen to anyone by calibrating a moral compass.
Sticks to your guns
Staying into action will give yourself a better chance at maintaining sobriety. Whenever times get difficult, use your recovery tools to help you keep up with your recovery goals. Instead of giving up on what you should be doing, ponder on what you should learn from living life on life’s terms. You can do this. Do not give up until the miracle happens.
Reclaiming your life back will take some patience and dedication on your part. If you keep your eye on the prize, you will see how worthy you are to live a better life than ever before.