We spend a lot of time talking about roadmaps: implementation roadmaps, product roadmaps, and more. But what about perhaps our most important roadmap — the mental health roadmap?

When Depression Requires More Than Self-Talk
A focus on deep breathing and gentle stretching through the practice of yoga helps you recalibrate your stress response and general feeling of wellness. Yoga is one of the oldest types of exercise, and while there are many different styles of yoga ranging from easy to demanding, most yoga practices include stretching, breathing,meditation and mindfulness.
Studies describe stress as, “any situation which tends to disturb the equilibrium between a living organism and its environment.”
Anybody, irrespective of their educational, financial or social status can fall victim to domestic abuse. Unfortunately, most abuse victims choose to hide or ignore the issues they face despite the fact that we’re now encouraged to be more open about our personal and social lives than ever before - there’s still an element of social stigma associated with domestic abuse.
Since 1998 with the Big Tobacco take down, there has not been as crucial of a lawsuit that have formed than the ones that have been established in the past year against Big Pharma.
This is something that almost everyone has faced in their personal lives, and might still be wondering what the reason behind it may be.
You can’t force people to get help. As much as we would love to think we can, it seems the only time someone is going to get help is when they decide for themselves they are ready.